Century Cricket Indoor Memberships

20 Jun 2023 by Michael Sheedy

A number of players across the Senior and Junior sections have asked about indoor training facilities that are nearby to us at Mt Waverley. The old Maddocks Sports in Blackburn has been purchased and completely renovated into a new training facility stacked with many features including 24/7 access for members by Century Cricket Centres.

The Mens Senior programme are completing the Pre Season at this facility as some of you will be aware and the Century Cricket team have offered us a discount on memberships should anyone be keen to join. I know a number of roos are already members and using the facility regularly which is great.

To view more on the venue hit this link – https://fb.watch/lgY4qFiWkU/

Follow them on Instagram also if keen

Please see the link below to join and the code under that for the discount.


For any club members still keen to sign up, click through the link and apply the code: MWCC10 for a 10% discount for use of Century Blackburn training facilities. We do have limited spots left so don’t leave it too late.

I have NOTHING to do with this facility, all I know is that it is great to have a good set up near by for us to train at and utilise.


Senior Coach